Sunday, January 4, 2015


The New Year is upon us.. and I write to you on its fourth day.

Conventionally, this is a time that necessitates the formulation by each person of a particular 'resolution'.

I haven't come up with one yet. It may just be along the lines of not compromising from a strictly vegetarian diet, or perhaps something more general like not procrastinating under any and all circumstances.

And yet, aren't these things the very same ideals we, or rather the often ignored voice within, have tried to remind ourselves of, whenever we veer off in some way or the other?

The inherent purpose of resolutions, when you think about it, is to negate the internally borne challenges we continue to face to this very moment.

And so I wonder, how weak are we, that we give into emotional or physical stimulants the moment they arise? How weak were we built, that it is through these very minor indiscretions that even kingdoms have fallen? They call us humans. Humans who have done much in furthering themselves across every imaginable field, and yet the very same ones who succumb to the most minute provocation or temptation.

And so I echo the wise words of James Allen in saying, "Characters, like houses, only stand firmly when built on a foundation of moral law - and they are built up slowly and laboriously, deed by deed, for in the building of character, the bricks are deeds."

In light of the above revelation, I can't help but think to swallow my early judgments about humans, and instead affirm that we do indeed have the capacity to inspire internal growth even beyond that which we have inspired in our external surroundings. And it takes courage.

A simple word, and yet an answer, a key, a shield you may wield when faced by the Goliath that is temptation and provocation. For it is in that moment that many concede, raise the white flag. And it is at the same moment that leaders are made; that true warriors, not of the blade, but of the heart and mind, are born.

I'm buying myself a purity ring. And I'll put it on my left ring finger, to prove my marriage to the worthy cause of self-realization in this very promising year, as well as to remind me of my strength. For we are indeed more powerful that we even know. And we can endure the discomfort of a temporary sacrifice, that we may enjoy the lasting returns that are indeed promised to us, to those who fight the worthy fight!

You know what you need to do now. What works for you. Tis' upon you, therefore, to allow yourself to flourish and be and realize your potential!

To conclude, I wish to share with you a few Divine words of counsel that brings together today's message, and that are posted on my bedroom wall.

"Keep your heart with all vigilance,
 for from it flow the springs of life.
Put away from you crooked speech,
and put devious talk far from you.
Let your eyes look directly forward,
and your gaze be straight from you.
Ponder the path of your feet;
then all your ways will be sure.
Do not swerve to the right or to the left;
turn your foot away from evil."
Proverbs 4:23-27


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