Thursday, August 28, 2014


When you meet the one,
Your eyes meet .. and say,
"Alas! My search is done!"
And your heart melts,
And your hands shake,
And you look away,
For your cheeks make a rosy display..

You trace your imaginary fingers,
down and around those tender teasing lips..
You imagine, yearn, beckon the warm embrace..
"Come to me, please. 'Tis you!"
You're the one..

The one whose hair,
rugged and rowdy as it may be,
Ev'r pleases the eye,
Whose hazel eyes speak to you, sing to you,
that lovely lullaby,
that sends you into sweet slumber,
into those loving arms,
From which you seek solace, affection,
warmth and protection..

When you meet the one,
From a million miles away,
In a picture,
a chance digital encounter,
And playfully think, "Hey! let's imagine our union,
..Just for fun!"


  1. Hey Musings/ my 4th reader :) I'm giving you my email because I'm tired of randomly commenting in the hopes that you'll see.. I have some ideas we could toss around.. Let's talk :) On second thought send me yours I realized its not the smartest move posting my contacts on a strangers page.. You know where to find me :)

  2. Hey! Sorry, I've been pretty much sucked into the whirlwind that is school life, so I haven't gotten much time to respond to comments.. but sure, I'm sending you my contact tout-de-suite! :)

  3. I've read this post over five times now and it's absolutely wonderful.

    1. Thank you so much, Cynthia!
      This particular poem really came from the heart, and I really wanted to portray an experience we have all had the pleasure of having at least once in our lives.
